Educational Resources


Materials for Further Reading


“Cruel and Unusual Punishment: The Shame of Three Strikes Laws”Rolling Stone

“Out of Prison, and Staying Out, After 3rd Strike in California”New York Times


“Proposition 36 Progress Report: Over 1,500 Prisoners Released; Historically Low Recidivism Rate” — Three Strikes Project, Stanford Law School (PDF)

“The Growth of Incarceration in the United States: Causes and Consequences.” — National Academies Press, US National Academies of Science

“The First-Ever National Survey of Victims’ Views on Safety and Justice” — Crime Survivors Speak, Alliance for Safety and Justice (PDF)

“Toward Shared Safety: The First-Ever National Survey of America’s Safety Gaps” — We Share Safety, Alliance for Safety and Justice (PDF)

Further Resources

Collected Resources on Violence Prevention: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

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